No matter what kinds of signs you decide to include in your store, consider these best practices:

  • Be specific:

     A customized sign can give you just the right message in just the right place. When designing a sign, include specific details, such as location-specific instructions and relevant product information. For example, posting your return policy in the change room makes sense – this will give your customers the confidence they need to make a buying decision.

  • Keep it simple:

    Your sign’s message needs to be clear, yet one with too much information is often ignored. Use the five-second rule which states that if you can convey the main themes of the sign in less than five seconds, you pass. If it takes longer, shorten your message or use a series of signs. Think of a sign like a billboard – you should be able to read it while walking by.


  • Write in headline text:

    This should help you be concise and simple all at once. Can you simplify your text? Can you take out prepositions and extra words? Effective custom signs the following template: headline, text, and finally, a call to action.


  • Make a call to action:

    Signs are advertisements, and as any good advertiser knows, you need to get the customer to do something; that’s the call to action. An effective sign needs to have a simple goal.


Signs are not expensive and they can really help customers make informed decisions (close the sale). This is often an overlooked opportunity for many businesses.

These in store “talking” signs matter!

We can provide an instore consultation to show you how placing signs strategically within your business can give you better results. Contact us Now! 

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