Altruism, commitment, perseverance, and benefaction. Noble acts deserve appreciation in a respectful and commemorative way. Why not show your gratitude with beautiful signage?
Recognition signs are a very beautiful way to appreciate someone’s actions. Also, they are customizable in a great variety of options, formats, sizes, and materials.

Ways you can show your appreciation for their efforts:


  • 3D lettering: this solution is one of the most used for halls and wings, in public and private buildings. and applied inside or outside. Finishes, such as brushed metal and acrylic letters, give a sophisticated look to a wall. Also, there is the option to fix them on metal or acrylic plates, which can have photos or colours printed on.
  • Acrylic boards: very customizable, from shape to background colours. Like other signs, high-quality print picture or texture can serve as background. We can print with names altogether, or transparent board fixed on a plate on the rear. The possibilities are infinite!
  • Aluminum Boards: often in writing boards, this material can change according to need. Due to its nature, is possible to add magnets and create adaptable signage. Long-lasting and easy to adjust, they suit as the perfect employee-engaging action. For example, corporate relations campaigns, top stars on work safety or production quality. Recognize your long-serving employees can with this personalized signage in a unique way.
  • Plaques and certificates: In order to honour an employee of the month or give a corporate award. Engraved or printed signs are timeless honours and can be either fixed on a wall or displayed on a flat surface. Like acrylic boards, they can feature different shapes, colours and styles.


Recognize best performances, name a room after a contributor, or honour someone’s donation. Whether is your need, we are here to help! You can see our portfolio here and get all your questions answered by our team. Contact us today for a fast and friendly quote!

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