The COVID-19 pandemic changed our way of life: from shopping to eating, travelling to go to the park. With changes, new protocols and routines are imperative and become a positive challenge for stores reopening. Distancing signage and protective barriers are mandatory, but you should consider what might not be on your a-list.

What should you consider essential for your grand reopening?

  • Touchable surfaces: usually, your customers are on their phone, distracted, or pay attention to the transaction instead of their surroundings. Easy-to-read signs for not sitting in determined places, tap on pin pads or hand sanitizer available are ways to inform and protect them.
  • Exterior ads: it is hard to advertise specific promotions before customers enter the store, but efficient solutions, such as free-standing boards, banners and lawn signs, can help your audience to know what they want beforehand.
  • Long-distance viewers: Window and wall graphics, reader or pylon signs are visible from a more extended distance, and perfect for establishments in busy streets or without parking. It is a valuable resource if you aren’t open yet and want people to know. Welcoming messages are also a good idea when you are back in the market.
  • On the move: Planning the flow can help your business thrive and provide a good experience during your client’s visit. Wayfinding on the floor and walls and informative board at the entry can improve visits and shops at your business.

Image Graphics and Signs has a vast portfolio, and our team is ready to help you with your reopening signage. You can check our portfolio here, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

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